Follow-up treatments are recommended to further improve on your condition. Most of the time we look at anywhere from 4 to 10 treatments. This depends on the severity of your condition, the duration (chronic or acute) and also how you as an individual respond to treatment.
Please note that I am booked for several weeks in advance. Therefore I suggest, that you may want to book your Initial AND a series of 3 to 4 follow-ups right away, otherwise the time between the first and the second visit might be too far apart.
If you are unsure what treatment length to book, book a 60 minute visit if you have health concerns on BOTH sides of your body (i.e. knee pain AND lower back pain, or neck pain AND digestive health), or book a standard 45 min. visit for a one-sided problem (i.e. knee pain, tummy aches, stress, or back, neck, hamstrings, etc.) If you are unsure, please feel free to contact us, we are happy to help!